Pool Sharks questions & answers

Pool Sharks lets us play virtual pool/snooker games at Pool Shark website
Question by Mr Otto Lucas
August 18, 2015

I used to play Pool Sharks and would like to know if the game is back on.

Answer by Sean Hill

You can play Pool Sharks, but the only way to do it is through Google Search. I haven’t found an official URL with the game, therefore you can use the Flash versions that are available through the Search engine. Access the URL below then visit the CandyStand website where you can play Pool Sharks.

Google Search : https://goo.gl/qcX2eY

Question by Mr Otto Lucas
August 18, 2015

I used to play Pool Sharks and would like to know if the game is back on.

Answer by Sean Hill

No, the game is not back. I have checked its official website and the domain appears to be expired, therefore the game is considered discontinued. There is no possibility of playing it any more. The only way to do it is on the Flash websites that have games. There is a version of Pool Sharks ready.

Use the following URL to reach it through Google Search: https://goo.gl/qcX2eY

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Question by Guest
April 17, 2014
Stephen Prastman
Answer by Stephen Prastman

If the game is not opening it means that you are trying to run it in an unsupported operating system. The game will work in Windows XP only. Any higher versions of Windows are not supported, even if the compatibility settings were applied successfully.

Question by Guest
November 7, 2010

I played the game every day and now I'm addicted. For some reason it stopped working. I didn't change anything on my computer. I installed DirectX and downloaded Pool Sharks about 6 times, but it still won't work. Can you help?

Answer by Pete Clapp

Unfortunately, the Pool Sharks servers are down and the game seems to no longer be supported. You can't play it anymore. As an alternative, I suggest you to check Software Informer database for a similar game. Personally, I recommend you Billiards Club, 8Baller and Popgamebox. All of them are free of charge and easy to download and install.

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